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Want to add your organization to our resource list? Contact us today!

Bethany Christian Services
Foster Care, Adoption
Bethany believes every child deserves to be safe, loved, and connected. For more than 75 years, our faith has inspired us to stand for children close to home and around the world. Together, we can change the world through family.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters operates under the premise that one caring adult (Big) can make a significant difference in the life of a child (Little). Big Brothers Big Sisters enrolls children aged 5-16 years to match them in one-on-one mentoring relationships that center on doing quality-time activities together. Currently, the program has site-based and community-based options.
Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)
Foster Care, Adoption
The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 200 respected organizations and 850+ church members. Our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.
Foster Care, Adoption, Behavioral Health
CONCERN brings hope, offers opportunity, and inspires change!
Foster Care, Adoption, Counseling, Food Pantry, Refugee Resettlement
JFS stands for the child, behind our families, and with each other. We have a robust post-permanency program, as support should not end at adoption. As a smaller agency, we offer families individualized service, mentorship, and support.
Justice Works
Independent Living, Foster Care, Mentorship, Counseling
Justice Works provides support for biological parents looking to reunify with their children, and also provides a variey of social and life skills classes and activities for youth who are aging out/have aged out of foster care.
Foster Care, Adoption, Behavioral Health
Merakey is a not-for-profit developmental, behavioral health, and education provider. We offer a variety of services to individuals and communities across the country.
Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association
Foster Care, Adoption, Mentorship
PSRFA advocates for all those who care about children and their families. We work supportively with foster, adoptive, and kinship families, and with local foster parent associations and agencies who care for the children they serve.
SWAN: State Wide Adoption Network
The Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) is a partnership among the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange, public and private adoption agencies, organizations, advocates, judges, the legal community, and foster and adoptive parents.
Schuylkill County Children & Youth Services
Foster Care, Adoption, Independent Living, County Agency
Children and Youth provides the necessary services to help preserve the family unit. The agency will provide temporary, alternative living arrangements for children when necessary, while providing services directed at reunification of troubled families. The Agency's primary concern while providing all services is the safety and wellbeing of the child.
The Bair Foundation
Foster Care, Adoption, Post-Permanency Support
The Bair Foundation supports children and families through fostercare, Adoption and post permemnancy support
Youth Advocate Program (YAP)
Mentorship, Counseling, Support
YAP provides young people, adults and their families with intensive support in their home, school and community through the YAPWrap model that blends best practices from research in wraparound, mentoring, and positive youth development.
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