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Want to add your organization to our resource list? Contact us today!

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)
Foster Care, Adoption
The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 200 respected organizations and 850+ church members. Our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.
Foster Care, Adoption, Behavioral Health
CONCERN brings hope, offers opportunity, and inspires change!
Fostering Hope
Support, Closet
Fostering Hope provides biological, foster, adoptive, and kinship families a place to "shop" for free clothing, toys, shoes, hygiene products, etc.
Justice Works
Independent Living, Foster Care, Mentorship, Counseling
Justice Works provides support for biological parents looking to reunify with their children, and also provides a variey of social and life skills classes and activities for youth who are aging out/have aged out of foster care.
Northampton County Children, Youth, & Families
Foster Care, Adoption, Independent Living, County Agency
This division, Children, Youth and Families (CYF), is responsible for planning and providing State mandated social services to dependent and abused children and youth in Northampton County. These services include activities designed to prevent neglect, abuse and exploitation and help overcome problems that result in dependency and abuse; provide services to families in their own homes which protect children from continued harm; provide temporary, substitute care in foster family homes or residential (24 hour) child care facilities for any child in need of such care; reunite children and their families if children are placed in temporary substitute care; provide a permanent, legally assured family for any child in temporary, substitute care who cannot be returned to his/her home; and provide court ordered care or supervision to alleged or adjudicated dependent or abused children.
Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association
Foster Care, Adoption, Mentorship
PSRFA advocates for all those who care about children and their families. We work supportively with foster, adoptive, and kinship families, and with local foster parent associations and agencies who care for the children they serve.
SWAN: State Wide Adoption Network
The Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) is a partnership among the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange, public and private adoption agencies, organizations, advocates, judges, the legal community, and foster and adoptive parents.
The Bair Foundation
Foster Care, Adoption, Post-Permanency Support
The Bair Foundation supports children and families through fostercare, Adoption and post permemnancy support
Youth Advocate Program (YAP)
Mentorship, Counseling, Support
YAP provides young people, adults and their families with intensive support in their home, school and community through the YAPWrap model that blends best practices from research in wraparound, mentoring, and positive youth development.
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