Hillary Haris
Centre County Coordinator
Meet your Coordinator

Hillary and her husband, Robi, have 4 "original" (biological) children and one "bonus" (adopted) daughter resulting in a 17 year age span. The Haris family has been a foster family since 2008 and has welcomed a variety of ages into their home. After graduating with a degree from Juniata College Hillary received a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Counseling from Radford University in Radford, Virginia. In their spare time they like to hike, play board games and are always up for a road trip. Keystone Alliance birthed out of the Centre County Orphan Care Alliance. God had been stirring a passion to care for the fatherless in the hearts of Christians in Centre County for some time. Out of those stirrings in October 2008, God brought together several local churches to form the Centre County Orphan Care Alliance. After starting in this one county the passion has spread to several other counties in Pennsylvania, growing into Keystone Family Alliance in 2022.
County Events
Here are some great resources in Centre County. Contact the Coordinator for more resources!
Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)
The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 200 respected organizations and 850+ church members. Our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.
Centre County Foster Care Program
Centre County Children and Youth Services is the agency within the Centre County government which is responsible for the operations of children and youth programs. It is guided and constrained in its functions and services by federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. Foster care is viewed as a partnership between the agency and foster parents towards meeting the needs of a child while they are living away from their own family.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Centre County
Big Brothers Big Sisters operates under the premise that one caring adult (Big) can make a significant difference in the life of a child (Little). Big Brothers Big Sisters enrolls children aged 5-16 years to match them in one-on-one mentoring relationships that center on doing quality-time activities together. Currently, the program has site-based and community-based options.
The REAL (Relatable, Encouraging, Authentic, Listeners) foster and adoptive moms support group
Foster mom support group that meets on a monthly basis. For more details, email hillary@keyfam.org
Haven of Hope
Haven of Hope Global Ministries is a Christian organization dedicated to offering hope and initiating change in impoverished communities. Working with local partners in Zambia and Uganda, they intentionally serve the poor, orphaned, and vulnerable, addressing both their spiritual and physical needs.
Calvary Global Kids
Calvary Global Kids supports almost 200 children in 5 different orphanages throughout Myanmar and Kenya, raising tomorrows leaders.