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Berks County

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County Coordinator:

MaryJo Lucas

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Meet the county staff

Staff Headshots - Website - 2024 - MaryJo L.png

Mary Jo and her husband Bryant have been married for 15 years. Together they have 7 children, 6 biological and 1 adopted. Their family is blessed to live on the family farm where they tend to their gardens, orchard , and care for an assortment of animals. Mary Jo received a BS degree from Albright College in

Organized Behavior and Applied Psychology. Over the past 10 years, she has felt called to use this area of expertise as a stay-at- home, homeschooling mom. Mary Jo passionately upholds our call to care for the least of these, embracing the Keystone Family Alliance aphorism, “Everyone can do something. So, what is your something?"

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