Jefferson County
church partners
*Churches with an asterisk next to their name are trauma responsive partnering churches.
Meet the county staff

Meagan and her husband, BJ, have 3 biological children and 1 adopted child ages 8 through 24. They have fostered 8 children since 2013, been heavily involved in the foster and adoptive community by helping to start a local foster care closet, providing support to local foster families through creating online
support groups, and seeking to bring other resources to the Clarion area. Meagan has a degree in Accounting from Clarion University. After college, she obtained her private teaching certificate in mathematics, and began teaching in a residential treatment facility, where her passion for helping children from hard places grew. Meagan and BJ became interested in fostering as they felt God asking them to open their home to these children. Upon adopting their daughter, Meagan began to see the need for more resources in Clarion for vulnerable children and their families. She transitioned to working from home, where she can be more flexible to meet the needs of her family. She helped bring the Keystone Family Alliance to fruition in Clarion, and is excited to assist children and families in the Clarion Community.

Linda's heart was first opened to adoption while working as a teacher in Loudoun County, Virginia. In her classroom, she was surrounded by adopted and vulnerable children. Her church family also promoted and supported foster care and adoption. Since then, Linda and her husband Brad have served vulnerable
children in many ways. Brad and Linda along with their three children (two bio kids and one adopted from China) (ages ranging from 7 to 19) serve locally and internationally on mission teams, focusing on children's ministry, orphan care, and building community. Linda has undergraduate degrees in early childhood and elementary education and a master's degree of education in reading specialist. She has taught full time for 14 years and part-time for 2 years. In her spare time, Linda enjoys being out in nature on their small family farm, growing fruit and flowers, reading, baking and photography.
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." - Mother Teresa.