Blair County
church partners
*Churches with an asterisk next to their name are trauma responsive partnering churches.
For more information about Church Partnerships, contact us.
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Meet the county staff

Jill and her husband, Ron, have 3 biological children and currently 2 foster children in their home. The Conzo family opened up their home to foster care in 2021. They are passionate about caring for these children from hard places and immediately saw an opportunity within the church community to help support foster
families. Through prayer and God's divine timing, the Conzo's knew they were to be a voice and advocate for these children within Blair County!

Debby has four biological children (14-19), two adopted from foster care (5 & 8), and one foster child (18 months). She first saw the needs of vulnerable children when she began volunteering at her kids' school. The seed was planted in 2015, and in 2021 she felt called to open her home and heart to foster children. Foster care is a subject
Debby is very passionate about and encourages others to come along side her to support and nurture foster children and families.